Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life!

Starting Assemblies

Women in blue polo shirts

Steps for Starting a Rainbow Assembly

Establishing an assembly requires work but offers many rewards. Careful planning at all stages is the key to a successful assembly. It is important to establish a fraternal environment where the girls can learn to conduct meetings, learn ritualistic work, and plan social events and charity projects. The philosophy of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is to allow the girls to manage and determine their own affairs with assistance from adult advisors.

Here are the steps to starting a Rainbow Assembly in your community.


Contact the Grand Assembly Office at [email protected] to set up a planning and strategy meeting for prospective advisors to meet with a representative of the Oregon Grand Assembly.

Identify a sponsor. A sponsor can be any of the following:

Masonic Lodge;
An Eastern Star Chapter;
An Amaranth Court;
A Shrine of the White Shrine of Jerusalem;
An organized group of Majority Rainbow Girls; or
An organized group of individuals from any of the above categories.

The Sponsor votes and transmits an official letter, which identifies a Mother Advisor, Pledge Mother, Advisory Board Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and not less than five other Advisory Board members for a total of 10 adults, along with the required form and fee payable to “Supreme Assembly, IORG” for Letters Temporary.

Advisory Board Members may include no less than 2 Master Masons, no less than two majority Rainbow members or female members of the Order of the Eastern Star, Order of the Amaranth, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, non-affiliated spouses of members of our Sponsoring Orders and non-affiliated spouses of Majority Rainbow members and Parents, Grandparents and legal Guardians of active or Majority Rainbow members are eligible to serve on an Advisory Board after their approval by the Sponsoring Order. Make certain that all adults are aware of the Youth Protection Policy and the required completion of the forms, training, and background checks.

The Sponsoring Body will act as a fiscal agent of the Assembly until instituted. After the Institution, all money is turned over to the Assembly and deposited in the bank under the Assembly’s name and EIN.

Recruit Charter Membership Class of seven (7) girls, remembering candidates must be between the ages of 10 and 20 years old, be of good character, and have a belief in a Supreme Being.

When you have seven (7) girls, notify your Supreme Officer, who will request a Special Dispensation from the Supreme Worthy Advisor for permission for seven or more girls to meet and conduct legal meetings as well as social events to promote the growth of a potential Assembly. This request must be on official letterhead, and a seal is required. The Dispensation will be granted, provided that all other required paperwork has been received by the Supreme Office and is in proper form. When the date is set for the Institution of the new Assembly and at least seven (7) Applications for Membership for the degrees and/or affiliation have been received, the completed (a) Application for Letters Temporary (including the list of Advisory Board members, name of Mother Advisor, and scheduled date of Institution), (b) List of Applicants – those with completed Applications for Membership/Affiliates, and (c) the required fee ($25.00) will be sent to the Supreme Office. The Supreme Office will send the Supreme Inspector/Supreme Deputy a “Conditional Letters Temporary Certificate and the “Commission to Institute,” along with the required supplies and reporting documents.

Immediately following the Institution, the reporting documents must be sent to the Supreme Office. If less than seven (7) members are initiated/affiliated on the Institution date, the Assembly may continue under the “Conditional Letters Temporary” for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. With the current Dispensation in effect, they may conduct meetings and add to their membership.

As soon as the Assembly has reported twelve (12) legal members, the Supreme Office will provide, upon verification and request, the standard “Letters Temporary Certificate”.

Twelve months later, upon successful demonstration of stability, the Supreme Office will constitute the Assembly and issue the Charter.

A young woman together with two girls smiling